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Pint of Science 2022


Come hear about RaNT’s vision for the future of cancer care.

No more waiting for scan results.

Beginning treatment on-the-spot.

All without surgery & invasive techniques!

Find out how tiny, injectable gold particles & infra-red laser light could make this possible.

Join us for a drink at the London Cocktail Club in Gandy Street, where Dr. Ryan Edginton will be unpicking the science that could make this vision a reality.

Come see his demo-packed talk, “Demon in the Dark”, on Monday 9th May. 

Tickets Available NOW (£5)

Demon in the Dark

Cancer is a sneaky disease. Even with symptoms, it can be difficult to identify what sort the patient has and spot where it’s hiding. Finding and treating cancer usually requires invasive, potentially risky operations to remove small bits of tissue, sometimes even before a diagnosis can be made!

RaNT aims to change all that. Join our laser show, and discover how we’re using light to unmask and exorcise these devilish cells, deep inside the body, without even breaking the skin!